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5 Pages
50 Form Submissions
Plark Branding
Plark Subdomain
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per month
100 Pages
300 Form Submissions
No Branding
Custom Domain
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is your service in beta?

Yes, our service is currently in beta. However, we are committed to monitoring our servers closely and addressing any bugs as quickly as possible to ensure a reliable experience for our users.

How much does it cost?

We offer a Free plan with basic features and a Pro plan at $9/month per site that allows you to connect your custom domain.

Can I connect my own domain?

Absolutely! You can connect your custom domain in minutes. We also automatically create an SSL certificate for your domains, ensuring a secure connection.

Can I embed external scripts?

Yes, you can easily add external scripts for analytics, chat, and other functionalities to enhance your website's performance and interactivity.

Tools Powering Our Platform